Monday, January 14, 2013

Are You Ready to Jump into Life?

I have talked with several people this week who are feeling stuck in their lives.  They can describe what it is they want to do, but they can’t seem to take that first step toward their dreams.  It seems like the older we get the more difficult it is for us to jump into our dreams. What is it about leaving the safety of our known world that is so hard for us?

As adults, we have spent many years developing a specific set of skills. Whether we are a lawyer, teacher, accountant, or parent, we have worked hard to gain the expertise needed to succeed in the world; and for the most part, we feel safe and secure in what we do.  Our world is a known entity and it is comfortable. Yet, sometimes it's actually having too much of this comfort that creates feelings of restlessness and disinterest in us.  It is then that we start looking around for something new to do or try.

We create visions of changing jobs, starting a new hobby, pursuing a life-long dream, etc.  We become excited and the possibilities seem endless.  Then reality sets in.  As appealing as embarking on a new adventure might be, the prospect of being a beginner and stepping into uncharted waters without knowing exactly what will happen stops many of us dead in our tracks.

We find ourselves feeling scared and uncertain and we retreat to the safety of our known world.  However, we then may begin to feel discouraged or angry at ourselves for not being able to make the leap, and that just compounds our feelings of uncertainty and frustration.  We begin to feel boxed in and we don't see any obvious way out.

So, how does one break out of this vicious circle?  One way is to get in touch with the feelings of power and invincibility that you had as a child.  Go to a playground or park and watch the children play.  Notice how they are always trying to do new and harder things. Notice how they dare each other to go higher and faster.  The world is totally full of possibilities to them.  They see no boundaries and they have little fear.

Think about all the crazy things you did as a child and all the dreams you had for your life.  Get reacquainted with that energy.  Then ask yourself, "What is really stopping me now?  Where is my fear coming from?"  Listen carefully to your answers, and take some time to address the issues that come up.  Then think about ways to integrate all the energy, enthusiasm, and passion of your little kid with the resources and skills of your successful adult.  This incredible combination will allow you to achieve almost anything.

Remember to start your journey with small steps.  Often times we jump into the deep end way too soon and our ultimate fears of not succeeding become a reality.  Step off the lowest edge first.  Allow yourself time to get used to the new experience.  Become aware of your feelings, both the joy and excitement and the fear and the uneasiness associated with being in a new space.  Use your support system to encourage and inspire you when you are feeling shaky, and make sure they are there to help you celebrate your successes.

With each step you take you will push your edge further out.  Your world will become larger and more exciting.  You will have new experiences, meet new people, and learn new things about yourself.  The world, which at one time had felt so confining, will now be filled with unlimited possibilities of adventure and opportunity.  You will have a renewed sense of passion and enthusiasm for your life. You will be living the life you truly want to live.  All you need is just need enough faith in yourself and the process to take that first step.  You can do it!

Come to the edge.   No, we will fall
Come to the edge.  No, we will fall.
They came to the edge.  He pushed them, and they flew.    Guillaume Apollinaire

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