I remember when I was
about 5 years old trying to learn how to stand on my head. I would practice for hours until one day, to
the horror of my mother, I mastered the feat while she was shopping in very
upscale women’s clothing store. When she came out of the dressing room, there I
was in the middle of the store standing on my head with dress hanging down, my
legs were straight in the air and my Carter’s underwear in plain sight for
everyone to see. Although my mother was less
than thrilled at my achievement, I had proven to myself that practice actually
does pay off.
My success with
standing on my head is an example of very conscious and intentional practicing. It is the kind of practice that we put forth
when we want to master a specific skill or behavior. We have a goal, we know what the end point to
looks like, and we work hard to achieve that objective.
Yet, each of us has a
whole other set of skills and behaviors that we have perfected that we may not
be totally aware of. These are habits
and actions that, through unconscious repetition, have become ingrained in our
way of being. For example, one of my
habits is to automatically say “no” to new ideas unless they are mine. It is an automatic response that, until recently,
I practiced almost daily without being aware I was doing it.
It’s what I call
unconscious practicing. I was repeating,
thus practicing, a behavior which was making that behavior stronger; yet, there
was no real intention on my part to do this.
However, through my continuous practicing I got pretty close to
perfecting the “no” response which obviously is a very annoying and useless
skill to perfect.
What unconscious
habits and behaviors are you perfecting?
Do you sabotage yourself by procrastinating? Do you keep yourself overly busy in order to
avoid issues in your life? Or do you
make a lot of great plans and then come up with a thousand reasons why you
can’t do any of them?
We all have thoughts and behaviors that sabotage how we truly would like to live our lives. The key is to become aware of what they are so that we can start putting our energy towards dismantling them, not feeding them. Practice, in of itself, will make anything stronger. So, we have to add the component of conscious awareness to ensure that we are focused on perfecting the things in our lives that we want to perfect, instead of perfecting useless and sabotaging behaviors.
The last time that you failed, did you stop trying because you failed - - or did you fail because you stopped trying? Unknown