Thursday, December 27, 2012

Waiting for Someday?

Is there a project you are going to do, a trip you are going to take, a book you are going to write or a class you are going to take, Someday?  When exactly is Someday?  It’s not a day that appears on any calendar I know of, so, how are you going to know when Someday is actually here?

It can be so easy to put off the things you want to do until some undetermined time in the future.  Maybe you are waiting until you have more time, more money or more energy.  Maybe you think there will actually come a time when your life will be less hectic and you will have the time and space to do all those things you have been wanting to do.

But what happens if that time never comes?  Does that mean that you won’t get the chance to do all those things that you have put off until Someday? 

Maybe there is a different way to approach all this.   Maybe it’s okay to take a little time for yourself and to do something that inspires you, gives you joy or makes you laugh.  Maybe you don’t have to put off your dreams until Someday.  Today or tomorrow could be the perfect day to start that new project or to sign up for that new class.  

We waste a lot of our life waiting for the right time when the only time we know we have for sure is this moment.  Don’t squander the time you have for a time which may never come.  If there is something you want to do, do it.  Life is way too short to not live every moment to its fullest.
It's not enough to stare up the stairs; we must step up the stairs. Vaclav Havel



Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Weight of a Snowflake

“Tell me the weight of a snowflake,” a coal-mouse asked a wild dove.

 “Nothing more than nothing,” was the answer.

“In that case I must tell you a marvelous story,” the coal mouse said.  “I sat on a branch of a fir tree, close to its trunk, when it began to snow, not heavily, not in a giant blizzard, no, just like in a dream, without any violence.  Since I didn’t have anything better to do, I counted the snowflakes settling on the twigs and needles of my branch.  Their number was exactly 3,741,952.  When the next snowflake dropped onto the branch – nothing more than nothing, as you say – the branch broke off.”

Having said that, the coal-mouse flew away.  The dove, since Noah’s time an authority on change, thought about the story for a while and finally said to herself: “Perhaps there is only one person’s voice lacking for peace to come about in the world”   
(By Kurt Kauer, excerpted from The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace by Jack Kornfield)  

Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing is so gentle as real strength.   
                                                                                        Frances de Sales